I suppose I could have ordered whisky and water, but not being much of a drinker that would have pushed me over the top too early. There was Perrier, but I personally hate carbonated water. I suppose I could have had a glass of water... but it was a party after-all. The moral of the story 'next time be prepared', with a greater knowledge of appropriate liquid refreshments. Thus a new reference book...

Drinking Man's Diet: Sample Menu ( from Alan Farnham's Forbes.com article The Drinking Man's Diet )
(With grams of carbohydrate)Menu planning, the Dean Martin way!
1/4 cantaloupe or 4 ounces of tomato juice (5)
Ham or bacon, 2 slices (0)
Egg, fried, boiled or poached (trace)
Coffee or tea (0)
Dry martini or whiskey and soda, if desired (trace)
Broiled fish or steak or roast chicken (0)
2 glasses dry wine, if you wish (trace)
Green beans or asparagus (1)
Lettuce and tomato salad with French or Roquefort dressing (4)
Coffee or tea (0)
Martinis or highballs, if you desire (trace)
Hors d'oeuvres of 2 stalks of celery stuffed with pâté (5)
Shrimp cocktail (4)
Beef, pork, lamb, veal chicken or turkey (0)
Green beans, 1 cup, brussels sprouts, 1/2 cup, or cauliflower, 1 cup (6)
2 glasses dry wine (trace)
1/2 avocado with French dressing (8)
Cheese: Roquefort, Camembert, Swiss or cheddar (trace)
Coffee or tea (0)
Brandy (trace)
Total grams of carbohydrate: 33
Robert W. Cameron, died November 10, 2009 at his home in San Francisco at age 98.